Planning, designing & optimising dredgers
The wealth of experience we have gathered over the decades has made us your competent expert in the field of dredging. The diversity of local operating conditions and requirements for obtaining permits have made it increasingly necessary for us to shift our focus to developing individualised, customer-specific solutions. For SPE Dredging Solutions GmbH there is no such thing as “impossible”. Whether the project is small or large scale – we always tailor our offers to your individual needs and involve you in planning.
We offer customized solutions in the following areas:
- Selection and dimensioning of extraction machinery and excavation apparatus
- Selection and dimensioning of conveyor systems
- Selection and dimensioning of processing systems
- Optimisation of existing extraction machinery as well as conveyor and processing systems
- Utilisation of computer-aided planning systems for extraction and conveyor systems in loose rock (ALOG@) and for designing processing systems (DIMAN@)

Figure: Capturing the power demand with basic and production loads
Energy optimisation
Sand and gravel are among the most important raw materials in the world. They are, for example, completely indispensible for the production of cement and concrete. That is why we have made it our task to develop a system that makes the practically complete exploitation of a deposit possible, minimises extraction losses, and reduces the risk of slope failure. Our MARPO_DGPS system is one of the most successful dredge monitoring systems in the world. More than 250 of our MARPO systems have been in successful use internationally for more than 25 years now, and the trend is definitely upwards.
The MARPO_DGPS system has a modular structure, offering extremely flexible installation options for varying respective operating conditions. No matter if special excavator, grab, suction, or bucket chain excavator, we can install each MARPO system individually, so you can rely on an efficient gravel extraction of your deposits.
Dredge more efficiently with MARPO_DGPS:
- Selection and dimensioning of conveyor systems
- Selection and dimensioning of processing systems
- Optimisation of existing conveyor and processing systems to increase yield rates
- Site optimisation
- Dimensioning of conveyor lines
- Cost analysis to select the ideal transport machinery
SPE Dredging Solutions GmbH
Klopstockstr. 13
D – 22765 Hamburg
Phone: +49(0)40 390 63 55
E-mail: info(at)
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